Monday, August 17, 2009


Once upon a time in a savanah by the edge of the ocean there was a lion. This lion was very selfish. One day he was out hunting and saw a hare. He ran as fast as he could and soon he cornered it. The lion was about to eat the hare when he saw a walrus by the water's edge and he ran after it.
BUT the walrus rolled into the water. The lion swam after it but the walrus was too fast for the lion and it swam away to safety. Then a shark came and bit the lion and a big wave came and washed the lion back to the shore. The lion picked himself up and went after the hare. However, the lion fell lover and hurt himself and never caught the hare.
The lion had to go hungry that day.

Moral of the story:
It is sometimes wiser to be content with what you have. (or you may end up with nothing)

by Z.K

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