Monday, October 19, 2009

Creatures of the Extreme

Our Reading Group has been reading about creatures that live in extreme environments. This is what we found...

I found out that Jack Rabbits have large ears to help them keep cool. Miss S
I found out that there is harldly any sun in the rain forest. E.S
I found out that Polar Bears have hollow fur so it can trap air to keep warm. K.Z
I found out the reindeer have a waterproof coat on them so rain dosen't bother them.

I figured out that camel's feet are broad.
And its amazing that jackrabbits have big ears to push out the hot air.
Polar bears have 3 eye lids to keep the bright ice to get out of their eyes
and sloths move really really slow and when they die they can still grab on to trees.

I found out that sea horses can change colour and that their tails look like monkey's tails.

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